From Administrator's Desk

"Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom."

Ever since it has been established, North Point Residential School, Ranidanga, Siliguri has grown manifold. School truly believes over all development. Education does not mean a mere knowledge of different subjects. It is something more than that. It is the character building of the child. We are very sensitive to the child's special needs. We guide them, develop them to harvest the full benefit of the schooling and building of the character slowly but firmly.

Our trained teachers and staff, by their long experience, try to uncover their hidden talents and strength. The vision and mission of School is nothing but to help to discover the talent in the students and support to develop them so as to make them achievers. School has been actively involved in strategic decisions regarding curriculum development, talent attraction, teacher capacity development, parent development and many more areas. We mould and shape our children to make them smart, confident, knowledgeable and above all well-disciplined.